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Recommended Links

  • – A fantastic nonprofit organization that restores forests (vital to both wildlife and human communities) across America and around the world.

Existential Relief  (Comedy)

  • – A site that pokes fun of and deflates the gas bags of the outdoor industry. Here’s a classic example from SEMI-RAD, “Buy all new stuff. If your stuff is from last year, it’s very likely way heavier than this year’s stuff.” I’ll admit I like lighter weight, but I certainly discourage buying newer stuff just to have new stuff. That’s consumer culture at its worst.

Good Reads

  • Buy Responsibly: American Made Climbing Gear by Climbing – A great article on American-made climbing gear with a shout out to American Gear Guide.
  • The Power of Now by Eckhart ​Tolle – A book able to transform your life from one that’s stuck worrying about the past and future to one of contentment in the present.